The SJ Experience

Today's Reason to Smile
The Tales Of Laurence O'neill
What's Happening?
The "Shoreham Crew"
Pictures of some really fun random people!

Here's what We think...

Rated Situations and Experiences


Standardized Tests, this bit was in fact on the beliefs and opinions pre set page, which we used as a template and found this gem of a belief and feel that it should be kept

I think standardized tests are unfair because they don't test you on what you know and they try to trick you. What grades you get in regular classes are more important than how you do on some stupid test that you take on one day that you might not be feeling good.

We first began rating things when we went to a bakery and wanted to find a way to express our feelings to what we had experienced or products we had bought, rating them is that way. at first it was out of 10 then 20 now 101, due to the fact that whole numbers are frankly boring and very much not alternative. we have since rated many things, but in that time we have forgotten many a rating, but we'll try to maximise the amount of ratings, all in alphabetical order, please do comment if you would like something rated, that you are hesitant to try, we or someone will rate it! Bear in mind, these are opinions, excedingly good ones at that but, companies which we rate badly, please do not sue, we do not wish to be much poorer...

Right. This list is unfinished, ever increasing. So far is jsut a list of random products that were in the right place at the right time in stuarts (and now Jonnis!)head, so to speak. thats basicaly pringles, cereal and wonka bars! (for the moment!) At the moment is is just food, we do rate other things.... starting 04/08/05 (non american form!)

ben and jerries - chocolate fudge brownie - 88 (excessive intake will cause expandage and bloatage)
ben and jerries - cookie dough - 91
ben and jerries - fossil fuel - 86
ben and jerries - phish food - 89
charlie and the chocolate factory new(film) - 92
charlie and the chocolate factory original(film) - 87
die hard trilogy(films) - 97
doritos - hot salsa - 88
doritos - mild salsa - 83
freddo chocolate bars - 93 (chocolate heaven at 10p!)
kelloggs - all bran - 41
kelloggs - coco pops - 87
kelloggs - coco pops coco rocks - 79
kelloggs - corn flakes - 51
kelloggs - crunchy nut corn flakes - 91
kelloggs - frosties - 64
kelloggs - honey loops - 83
kelloggs - rice crispies - 75
kelloggs - special k - 87
kelloggs - special k red berry - 89
kelloggs - special k yoghurty - 89
moderately red apple eaten on 08/09/05 - 83
moosehead canadien lager - 92
nokia 7600 - 87
pringles dippas - hint of sour cream and onion flavour - 71
pringles dippas - original flavour - 74
pringles dippas - pinch of pepper flavour - 87
pringles - mediterranean flavour - 89
pringles - original flavour - 71
pringles - salt and vinegar flavour - 85
pringles dips - fiery salsa - 44
pringles dips - salsa heaven - 57
rambo 1(film) - 96
rambo 2(film) - 93
rambo 3(film) - 94
the island (film) - 85
the machinist (film) - 86 (intense viewing required)
The Tales Of Laurence O'neill - 96
weetabix - weetabix - 81
weetabix minis - banana crisp - 86
weetabix minis - chocolate crisp - 93
weetabix minis - fruit and nut crisp - 66
weetabix minis - honey and nut crisp - 89
wonka bar - whipple scrumptious fudgemallow delight - 96
wonka bar - tripple dazzle caramel - 91
wonka bar - nutty crunch surprise - 74
wonka bar - fruity wobble drops - 53
Daily Ratings So Far :
03/09/05 - 59
04/09/05 - 87
05/09/05 - 52
06/09/05 - 53
07/09/05 - 54
08/09/05 - 59

Do you agree or disagree with our beliefs and opinions? We'd love to hear from you. Check out our "Guestbook" page to send us e-mail, pleas note we may not care in the slightest and will ignore you.

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