Listed here are a group of people known only as 'The Shoreham Crew'.'These are the members, because they hang out most
frequently. They will be asked to fill in a small biop of themselves soon!
Abi Allan
Nickname: Abi, err...
Favourite food:
Favourite film:
Favourite phrase:
Alternative quality:
Favourite ever Experience:
Alex Finch
Nickname: Finch
Favourite food: Vegetarian!
Favourite film: I don't watch films, any form of stuart dancing is good enough entertainment for me.
Favourite phrase: er.. No.
Alternative quality: Excessively long hair
Favourite ever Experience: That day I got really good air wth my kite
Anna Roner
Favourite food:
Favourite film:
Favourite phrase:
Alternative quality:
Favourite ever Experience:
Chris Freeman
Favourite food:
Favourite film:
Favourite phrase:
Alternative quality:
Favourite ever Experience:
Emily Edmonds
Nickname: Ems lol
Favourite food:KFC, Chinese, Indian... all fast food really!
Favourite film: loads, probly american pie 2
Favourite phrase:For Definate
Alternative quality: erm.....
Favourite ever Experience: i dont know lots of stuff like going on holiday (aeroplanes get the old adrenalin going)
Jordan Gyoury
Nickname: Jord, John, J, fat-boy, Gyouryman
Favourite food: beef and chicken roast dinner, with gravy and loads of potatoes and Yorkshire pudds.
Favourite film: Haggard and Scary Movie
Favourite phrase: Oi, prick and Mash Potatoes (Bodger and badger)
Alternative quality: I possibly have alternative hair, it is longish and covers the face, which is the opposite of Stuart,
because he hates fringes that cover his eyes! My hair though is soon to be cut and dyed and my clothes are normally jeans
and t-shirts, with a shirt over the top or more recently t-shirt over the top of a shirt, what an emo.
Favourite ever Experience: personal (in my love life), but getting stoned for the first time and getting drunk for the
first time; and never again! As we all know what I turn into!
Lewis Mckelvey
Favourite food:
Favourite film:
Favourite phrase:
Alternative quality:
Favourite ever Experience:
Richard Ian
Favourite food:
Favourite film:
Favourite phrase:
Alternative quality:
Favourite ever Experience:
Stuart Blackadder
Nickname: Stueyeyeyeye
Favourite food: Italian Herbs and cheese sandwhich with turkey, onions (a little more please) cheese, green peppers, lettuce,
tomatos and no sauce. mmmmmm
Favourite film: I really like Star Wars, however i was recently impressed with Garden State
Favourite phrase: Experiences/ Alternative...
Alternative quality: Different Shoelaces? Scribbled on Jeans? School Shirt...?
Favourite ever Experience: Muse 19th December...
Zoe Brockett
Nickname: Zoeyyyyyyyy, pop 'n fresh, zoz, zoe buboey Favourite food: pasta, pizza anything italian Favourite
film: fith element Favourite phrase: its fine Alternative quality: my big.........hands ;) * The SJ Experience
Prefers to Tactfully Not Comment * Favourite ever Experience:giving birth to my first child * Again With The Tactfullness